Saturday, May 23, 2015

Welcome (Back)

Hello, blogspot. It's me, welcoming myself back to this place.
Once upon a time, I absolutely loved blogging. I was the girl who knew how to do her make up because no one else had discovered beauty bloggers or that YouTube had more than just viral videos. I wanted to be those super cool girls who knew how to do stuff, so I got active in blogging. Then, life and high school happened. I began blogging fewer and fewer times, and I stopped reading blog posts as much as I once did. Today, May 23, 2015, my friends' birthday (yes, plural), this very day, I decided to get back on here and make blogging to no one a part of my life. I loved having super unpopular writing on the internet. If something was troubling me, I could write about, and it was as if I was telling no one and everyone all at once. Anyway, when I made my journey back to and typed in my username and password, it was gone. Just gone. No longer there. The end. Gone. I was devastated. Little 14 me had spent so much time sitting here and blogging her feelings and make up favorites away. Now, 17 year old me has decided to start again. I'm picking up the pieces of what I was once loved and I am ready to fall in love with the world of blogging yet again. I want to fall in love with make up, nature, and photography just as I once was. So here I am, welcoming myself back one step at a time.
And I couldn't be more excited.